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We study the degree of the Gauss map of the theta divisor of principally polarised complex abelian varieties. We use this to obtain a bound on the multiplicity of the theta divisor along irreducible components of its singular locus, and apply this bound in examples, and to understand the local structure of isolated singular points. We further define a stratification of the moduli space of ppavs by the degree of the Gauss map. In dimension four, we show that this stratification gives a weak solution of the Schottky problem, and we conjecture that this is true in any dimension.
We show that the vanishing of the $(g+1)$-st power of the theta divisor on the universal abelian variety $mathcal{X}_g$ implies, by pulling back along a collection of Abel--Jacobi maps, the vanishing results in the tautological ring of $mathcal{M}_{g,n}$ of Looijenga, Ionel, Graber--Vakil, and Faber--Pandharipande. We also show that Pixtons double ramification cycle relations, which generalize the theta vanishing relations and were recently proved by the first and third authors, imply Theorem~$star$ of Graber and Vakil, and we provide an explicit algorithm for expressing any tautological class on $overline{mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ of sufficiently high codimension as a boundary class.
We study the Prym varieties arising from etale cyclic coverings of degree 7 over a curve of genus 2. These Prym varieties are products of Jacobians JY x JY of genus 3 curves Y with polarization type D=(1,1,1,1,1,7). We describe the fibers of the Prym map between the moduli space of such coverings and the moduli space of abelian sixfolds with polarization type D, admitting an automorphism of order 7.
We compute the degree of Stiefel manifolds, that is, the variety of orthonormal frames in a finite dimensional vector space. Our approach employs techniques from classical algebraic geometry, algebraic combinatorics, and classical invariant theory.
In this paper we study the Hessian map $h_{d,r}$ which associates to any hypersurface of degree $d$ in ${mathbb P}^r$ its Hessian hypersurface. We study general properties of this map and we prove that: $h_{d,1}$ is birational onto its image if $dgeq 5$; we study in detail the maps $h_{3,1}$, $h_{4,1}$ and $h_{3,2}$; we study the restriction of the Hessian map to the locus of hypersurfaces of degree $d$ with Waring rank $r+2$ in ${mathbb P}^r$, proving that this restriction is injective as soon as $rgeq 2$ and $dgeq 3$, which implies that $h_{3,3}$ is birational onto its image; we prove that the differential of the Hessian map is of maximal rank on the generic hypersurfaces of degree $d$ with Waring rank $r+2$ in ${mathbb P}^r$, as soon as $rgeq 2$ and $dgeq 3$.
We study the critical points of the likelihood function over the Fermat hypersurface. This problem is related to one of the main problems in statistical optimization: maximum likelihood estimation. The number of critical points over a projective variety is a topological invariant of the variety and is called maximum likelihood degree. We provide closed formulas for the maximum likelihood degree of any Fermat curve in the projective plane and of Fermat hypersurfaces of degree 2 in any projective space. Algorithmic methods to compute the ML degree of a generic Fermat hypersurface are developed throughout the paper. Such algorithms heavily exploit the symmetries of the varieties we are considering. A computational comparison of the different methods and a list of the maximum likelihood degrees of several Fermat hypersurfaces are available in the last section.