Temperature dependence of exchange biased multiferroic $ mathbf{BiFeO_3} $/$ mathbf{Ni_{81}Fe_{19}} $ polycrystalline bilayer

Abstract in English

The temperature dependence of exchange bias properties are studied in polycrystalline $ mathrm{BiFeO_3} / mathrm{Ni_{81}Fe_{19}} $ bilayers, for different $ mathrm{BiFeO_3} $ thicknesses. Using a field cooling protocol, a non-monotonic behavior of the exchange bias field is shown in the exchange-biased bilayers. Another thermal protocol, the Soeya protocol, related to the $ mathrm{BiFeO_3} $ thermal activation energies was carried out and reveals a two-step evolution of the exchange bias field. The results of these two different protocols are similar to the ones obtained for measurements previously reported on epitaxial $ mathrm{BiFeO_3} $, indicating a driving mechanism independent of the long-range crystalline arrangement (i.e., epitaxial or polycrystalline). An intrinsic property of $ mathrm{BiFeO_3} $ is proposed as being the driving mechanism for the thermal dependent magnetization reversal: the canting of the $ mathrm{BiFeO_3} $ spins leading to a biquadratic contribution to the exchange coupling. The temperature dependence of the magnetization reversal angular behavior agrees with the presence of such a biquadratic contribution for exchange biased bilayers studied here.
