Strong symplectic fillability of contact torus bundles

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study strong symplectic fillability and Stein fillability of some tight contact structures on negative parabolic and negative hyperbolic torus bundles over the circle. For the universally tight contact structure with twisting $pi$ in $S^1$-direction on a negative parabolic torus bundle, we completely determine its strong symplectic fillability and Stein fillability. For the universally tight contact structure with twisting $pi$ in $S^1$-direction on a negative hyperbolic torus bundle, we give a necessary condition for it being strongly symplectically fillable. For the virtually overtwisted tight contact structure on the negative parabolic torus bundle with monodromy $-T^n$ ($n<0$), we prove that it is Stein fillable. By the way, we give a partial answer to a conjecture of Golla and Lisca.
