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Repetitive elements are important in genomic structures, functions and regulations, yet effective methods in precisely identifying repetitive elements in DNA sequences are not fully accessible, and the relationship between repetitive elements and periodicities of genomes is not clearly understood. We present an $textit{ab initio}$ method to quantitatively detect repetitive elements and infer the consensus repeat pattern in repetitive elements. The method uses the measure of the distribution uniformity of nucleotides at periodic positions in DNA sequences or genomes. It can identify periodicities, consensus repeat patterns, copy numbers and perfect levels of repetitive elements. The results of using the method on different DNA sequences and genomes demonstrate efficacy and accuracy in identifying repeat patterns and periodicities. The complexity of the method is linear with respect to the lengths of the analyzed sequences.
Motivation: Seed location filtering is critical in DNA read mapping, a process where billions of DNA fragments (reads) sampled from a donor are mapped onto a reference genome to identify genomic variants of the donor. State-of-the-art read mappers 1) quickly generate possible mapping locations for seeds (i.e., smaller segments) within each read, 2) extract reference sequences at each of the mapping locations, and 3) check similarity between each read and its associated reference sequences with a computationally-expensive algorithm (i.e., sequence alignment) to determine the origin of the read. A seed location filter comes into play before alignment, discarding seed locations that alignment would deem a poor match. The ideal seed location filter would discard all poor match locations prior to alignment such that there is no wasted computation on unnecessary alignments. Results: We propose a novel seed location filtering algorithm, GRIM-Filter, optimized to exploit 3D-stacked memory systems that integrate computation within a logic layer stacked under memory layers, to perform processing-in-memory (PIM). GRIM-Filter quickly filters seed locations by 1) introducing a new representation of coarse-grained segments of the reference genome, and 2) using massively-parallel in-memory operations to identify read presence within each coarse-grained segment. Our evaluations show that for a sequence alignment error tolerance of 0.05, GRIM-Filter 1) reduces the false negative rate of filtering by 5.59x--6.41x, and 2) provides an end-to-end read mapper speedup of 1.81x--3.65x, compared to a state-of-the-art read mapper employing the best previous seed location filtering algorithm. Availability: The code is available online at:
We study the effects of the sequence on the propagation of nonlinear excitations in simple models of DNA in which we incorporate actual DNA sequences obtained from human genome data. We show that kink propagation requires forces over a certain threshold, a phenomenon already found for aperiodic sequences [F. Domi nguez-Adame {em et al.}, Phys. Rev. E {bf 52}, 2183 (1995)]. For forces below threshold, the final stop positions are highly dependent on the specific sequence. The results of our model are consistent with the stick-slip dynamics of the unzipping process observed in experiments. We also show that the effective potential, a collective coordinate formalism introduced by Salerno and Kivshar [Phys. Lett. A {bf 193}, 263 (1994)] is a useful tool to identify key regions in DNA that control the dynamical behavior of large segments. Additionally, our results lead to further insights in the phenomenology observed in aperiodic systems.
The increased affordability of whole genome sequencing has motivated its use for phenotypic studies. We address the problem of learning interpretable models for discrete phenotypes from whole genomes. We propose a general approach that relies on the Set Covering Machine and a k-mer representation of the genomes. We show results for the problem of predicting the resistance of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, an important human pathogen, against 4 antibiotics. Our results demonstrate that extremely sparse models which are biologically relevant can be learnt using this approach.
Next-generation sequencing technology enables routine detection of bacterial pathogens for clinical diagnostics and genetic research. Whole genome sequencing has been of importance in the epidemiologic analysis of bacterial pathogens. However, few whole genome sequencing-based genotyping pipelines are available for practical applications. Here, we present the whole genome sequencing-based single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping method and apply to the evolutionary analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The SNP genotyping method calls genome variants using next-generation sequencing reads of whole genomes and calculates the pair-wise Jaccard distances of the genome variants. The method may reveal the high-resolution whole genome SNP profiles and the structural variants of different isolates of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) strains. The phylogenetic analysis of whole genomes and particular regions may monitor and track the evolution and the transmission dynamic of bacterial pathogens. The computer programs of the whole genome sequencing-based SNP genotyping method are available to the public at
The ongoing global pandemic of infection disease COVID-19 caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-COV-2, formerly 2019-nCoV) presents critical threats to public health and the economy since it was identified in China, December 2019. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 had been sequenced and structurally annotated, yet little is known of the intrinsic organization and evolution of the genome. To this end, we present a mathematical method for the genomic spectrum, a kind of barcode, of SARS-CoV-2 and common human coronaviruses. The genomic spectrum is constructed according to the periodic distributions of nucleotides, and therefore reflects the unique characteristics of the genome. The results demonstrate that coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 exhibits dinucleotide TT islands in the non-structural proteins 3, 4, 5, and 6. Further analysis of the dinucleotide regions suggests that the dinucleotide repeats are increased during evolution and may confer the evolutionary fitness of the virus. The special dinucleotide regions in the SARS-CoV-2 genome identified in this study may become diagnostic and pharmaceutical targets in monitoring and curing the COVID-19 disease.