More on measurable algebras and Rademacher systems with applications to analysis of Riesz spaces

Abstract in English

We find necessary and sufficient conditions on a family $mathcal{R} = (r_i)_{i in I}$ in a Boolean algebra $mathcal{B}$ under which there exists a unique positive probability measure $mu$ on $mathcal{B}$ such that $mu ( bigcap_{k=1}^n theta_k r_{i_k} ) = 2^{-n}$ for all finite collections of distinct indices $i_1, ldots, i_n in I$ and all collections of signs $theta_1, ldots, theta_n in {-1,1}$, where the product $theta x$ of a sign $theta$ by an element $x in mathcal{B}$ is defined by setting $1 x = x$ and $-1 x = - x = mathbf{1} setminus x$. Such a family we call a complete Rademacher family. We prove that Dedekind $sigma$-complete Boolean algebras admitting complete Rademacher systems of the same cardinality are isomorphic. As a consequence, we obtain that a Dedekind $sigma$-complete Boolean algebra is homogeneous measurable if and only if it admits a complete Rademacher family. This new way to define a measure on a Boolean algebra allows us to define classical systems on an arbitrary Riesz space, such as Rademacher and Haar. We define a complete Rademacher system of any cardinality and a countable complete Haar system on an element $e > 0$ of a vector lattice $E$ in such a way that if $e$ is an order unit of $E$ then the corresponding systems become complete for the entire $E$. We prove that if $E$ is Dedekind complete then any complete Haar system on $e$ is an order Schauder basis for the ideal $A_e$ generated by $e$. Finally, we develop a theory of integration in a Riesz space of elements of the band $B_e$ generated by a fixed $e > 0$ with respect to the measure on the Boolean algebra $mathfrak{F}_e$ of fragments of $e$ generated by a complete Rademacher family on $mathfrak{F}_e$. Much space is devoted to examples showing that our way of thinking is sharp (e.g., we show the essentiality of each of the condition in the definition of a Rademacher family).
