The Role of Magnetic Helicity in Structuring the Solar Corona

Abstract in English

Two of the most widely observed and yet most puzzling features of the Suns magnetic field are coronal loops that are smooth and laminar and prominences/filaments that are strongly sheared. These two features would seem to be quite unrelated in that the loops are near their minimum-energy current-free state, whereas filaments are regions of high magnetic stress and intense electric currents. We argue that, in fact, these two features are inextricably linked in that both are due to a single process: the injection of magnetic helicity into the corona by photospheric motions and the subsequent evolution of this helicity by coronal reconnection. In this paper, we present numerical simulations of the response of a citet{Parker72} corona to photospheric driving motions that have varying degrees of helicity preference. We obtain four main conclusions: 1) in agreement with the helicity condensation model of citet{Antiochos13}, the inverse cascade of helicity by magnetic reconnection results in the formation of prominences/filaments localized about polarity inversion lines (PILs); 2) this same process removes most structure from the rest of the corona, resulting in smooth and laminar coronal loops; 3) the amount of remnant tangling in coronal loops is inversely dependent on the net helicity injected by the driving motions; and 4) the structure of the solar corona depends only on the helicity preference of the driving motions and not on their detailed time dependence. We discuss the implications of our results for high-resolution observations of the corona.
