Parsec-scale HI absorption structure in a low-redshift galaxy seen against a Compact Symmetric Object

Abstract in English

We present global VLBI observations of the 21-cm transition of atomic hydrogen seen in absorption against the radio source J0855+5751. The foreground absorber (SDSS~J085519.05+575140.7) is a dwarf galaxy at $z$ = 0.026. As the background source is heavily resolved by VLBI, the data allow us to map the properties of the foreground HI gas with a spatial resolution of 2pc. The absorbing gas corresponds to a single coherent structure with an extent $>$35pc, but we also detect significant and coherent variations, including a change in the HI optical depth by a factor of five across a distance of $leq$6pc. The large size of the structure provides support for the Heiles & Troland model of the ISM, as well as its applicability to external galaxies. The large variations in HI optical depth also suggest that caution should be applied when interpreting $T_S$ measurements from radio-detected DLAs. In addition, the distorted appearance of the background radio source is indicative of a strong jet-cloud interaction in its host galaxy. We have measured its redshift ($z$ = 0.54186) using optical spectroscopy on the William Herschel Telescope and this confirms that J0855+5751 is a FRII radio source with a physical extent of $<$1kpc and supports the previous identification of this source as a Compact Symmetric Object. These sources often show absorption associated with the host galaxy and we suggest that both HI and OH should be searched for in J0855+5751.
