Tunable mechanical coupling between driven microelectromechanical resonators

Abstract in English

We present a microelectromechanical system, in which a silicon beam is attached to a comb-drive actuator, that is used to tune the tension in the silicon beam, and thus its resonance frequency. By measuring the resonance frequencies of the system, we show that the comb-drive actuator and the silicon beam behave as two strongly coupled resonators. Interestingly, the effective coupling rate (~ 1.5 MHz) is tunable with the comb-drive actuator (+10%) as well as with a side-gate (-10%) placed close to the silicon beam. In contrast, the effective spring constant of the system is insensitive to either of them and changes only by $pm$ 0.5%. Finally, we show that the comb-drive actuator can be used to switch between different coupling rates with a frequency of at least 10 kHz.
