On the analytical formulation of classical electromagnetic fields

Abstract in English

Three objections to the canonical analytical treatment of covariant electromagnetic theory are presented: (i) only half of Maxwells equations are present upon variation of the fundamental Lagrangian; (ii) the trace of the canonical energy-momentum tensor is not equivalent to the trace of the observed energy-momentum tensor; (iii) the Belinfante symmetrization procedure exists separate from the analytical approach in order to obtain the known observed result. It is shown that the analytical construction from Noethers theorem is based on manipulations that were developed to obtain the compact forms of the theory presented by Minkowski and Einstein; presentations which were developed before the existence of Noethers theorem. By reformulating the fundamental Lagrangian, all of the objections are simultaneously relieved. Variation of the proposed Lagrangian yields the complete set of Maxwells equations in the Euler-Lagrange equation of motion, and the observed energy-momentum tensor directly follows from Noethers theorem. Previously unavailable symmetries and identities that follow naturally from this procedure are also discussed.
