Role of spin-transfer torques on synchronization and resonance phenomena in stochastic magnetic oscillators

Abstract in English

A theoretical study on how synchronization and resonance-like phenomena in superparamagnetic tunnel junctions can be driven by spin-transfer torques is presented. We examine the magnetization of a superparamagnetic free layer that reverses randomly between two well-defined orientations due to thermal fluctuations, acting as a stochastic oscillator. When subject to an external ac forcing this system can present stochastic resonance and noise-enhanced synchronization. We focus on the roles of the mutually perpendicular damping-like and field-like torques, showing that the response of the system is very different at low and high-frequencies. We also demonstrate that the field-like torque can increase the efficiency of the current-driven forcing, specially at sub-threshold electric currents. These results can be useful for possible low-power, more energy efficient, applications.
