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Microscopic derivation of the Bohr-Mottelson collective Hamiltonian and its application to quadrupole shape dynamics

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 Added by Koichi Sato
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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We discuss the nature of the low-frequency quadrupole vibrations from small-amplitude to large-amplitude regimes. We consider full five-dimensional quadrupole dynamics including three-dimensional rotations restoring the broken symmetries as well as axially symmetric and asymmetric shape fluctuations. Assuming that the time-evolution of the self-consistent mean field is determined by five pairs of collective coordinates and collective momenta, we microscopically derive the collective Hamiltonian of Bohr and Mottelson, which describes low-frequency quadrupole dynamics. We show that the five-dimensional collective Schrodinger equation is capable of describing large-amplitude quadrupole shape dynamics seen as shape coexistence/mixing phenomena. We summarize the modern concepts of microscopic theory of large-amplitude collective motion, which is underlying the microscopic derivation of the Bohr-Mottelson collective Hamiltonian.

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Assuming that the time-evolution of the self-consistent mean field is determined by five pairs of collective coordinate and collective momentum, we microscopically derive the collective Hamiltonian for low-frequency quadrupole modes of excitation. We show that the five-dimensional collective Schrodinger equation is capable of describing large-amplitude quadrupole shape dynamics seen as shape coexistence/mixing phenomena. We focus on basic ideas and recent advances of the approaches based on the time-dependent mean-field theory, but relations to other time-independent approaches are also briefly discussed.
The Bohr Hamiltonian describing the collective motion of atomic nuclei is modified by allowing the mass to depend on the nuclear deformation. Exact analytical expressions are derived for spectra and wave functions in the case of a gamma-unstable Davidson potential, using techniques of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Numerical results in the Xe-Ba region are discussed.
Given a set of collective variables, a method is proposed to obtain the associated conjugated collective momenta and masses starting from a microscopic time-dependent mean-field theory. The construction of pairs of conjugated variables is the first step to bridge microscopic and macroscopic approaches. The method is versatile and can be applied to study a large class of nuclear processes. An illustration is given here with the fission of $^{258}$Fm. Using the quadrupole moment and eventually higher-order multipole moments, the associated collective masses are estimated along the microscopic mean-field evolution. When more than one collective variable are considered, it is shown that the off-diagonal matrix elements of the inertia play a crucial role. Using the information on the quadrupole moment and associated momentum, the collective evolution is studied. It is shown that dynamical effects beyond the adiabatic limit are important. Nuclei formed after fission tend to stick together for longer time leading to a dynamical scission point at larger distance between nuclei compared to the one anticipated from the adiabatic energy landscape. The effective nucleus-nucleus potential felt by the emitted nuclei is finally extracted.
We review the recent progress on studying the nuclear collective dynamics by solving the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) equation with the lattice Hamiltonian method treating the collision term by the full-ensemble stochastic collision approach. This lattice BUU (LBUU) method has recently been developed and implemented in a GPU parallel computing technique, and achieves a rather stable nuclear ground-state evolution and high accuracy in evaluating the nucleon-nucleon (NN) collision term. This new LBUU method has been applied to investigate the nuclear isoscalar giant monopole resonances and isovector giant dipole resonances. While the calculations with the LBUU method without the NN collision term (i.e., the lattice Hamiltonian Vlasov method) describe reasonably the excitation energies of nuclear giant resonances, the full LBUU calculations can well reproduce the width of the giant dipole resonance of $^{208}$Pb by including a collisional damping from NN scattering. The observed strong correlation between the width of nuclear giant dipole resonance and the NN elastic cross section suggests that the NN elastic scattering plays an important role in nuclear collective dynamics, and the width of nuclear giant dipole resonance provides a good probe of the in-medium NN elastic cross section.
The triaxial nature of low-lying rotational bands of $^{166}$Er is presented from the viewpoint of the Bohr Hamiltonian and from that of many-fermion calculations by the Monte Carlo shell model and the constrained Hartree-Fock method with projections. A recently proposed novel picture of those bands suggests definite triaxial shapes of those bands, in contrast to the traditional view with the prolate ground-state band and the $gamma$-vibrational excited band. Excitation level energies and E2 transitions can be described well by the Bohr Hamiltonian and by the many-fermion approaches, where rather rigid triaxiality plays vital roles, although certain fluctuations occur in shell-model wave functions. Based on the potential energy surfaces with the projections, we show how the triaxial rigidity appears and what the softness of the triaxiality implies. The excitation to the so-called double $gamma$-phonon state is discussed briefly.
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