Zodiacal Exoplanets in Time (ZEIT) II. A Super-Earth Orbiting a Young K Dwarf in the Pleiades Neighborhood

Abstract in English

We describe a super-Earth-size ($2.30pm0.15R_{oplus}$) planet transiting an early K-type dwarf star in the Campaign 4 field observed by the K2 mission. The host star, EPIC 210363145, was identified as a member of the approximately 120-Myr-old Pleiades cluster based on its kinematics and photometric distance. It is rotationally variable and exhibits near-ultraviolet emission consistent with a Pleiades age, but its rotational period is ~20 d and its spectrum contains no H$alpha$ emission nor the Li I absorption expected of Pleiades K dwarfs. Instead, the star is probably an interloper that is unaffiliated with the cluster, but younger (< 1 Gyr) than the typical field dwarf. We ruled out a false positive transit signal produced by confusion with a background eclipsing binary by adaptive optics imaging and a statistical calculation. Doppler radial velocity measurements limit the companion mass to <2 times that of Jupiter. Screening of the lightcurves of 1014 potential Pleiades candidate stars uncovered no additional planets. An injection-and-recovery experiment using the K2 Pleiades lightcurves with simulated planets, assuming a planet population like that in the Kepler prime field, predicts only 0.8-1.8 detections (vs. ~20 in an equivalent Kepler sample). The absence of Pleiades planet detections can be attributed to the much shorter monitoring time of K2 (80 days vs. 4 years), increased measurement noise due to spacecraft motion, and the intrinsic noisiness of the stars.
