Real algebraic geometry adapts the methods and ideas from (complex) algebraic geometry to study the real solutions to systems of polynomial equations and polynomial inequalities. As it is the real solutions to such systems modeling geometric constraints that are physically meaningful, real algebraic geometry is a core mathematical input for geometric constraint systems.
We establish the analogue of the Friedlander-Mazur conjecture for Tehs reduced Lawson homology groups of real varieties, which says that the reduced Lawson homology of a real quasi-projective variety $X$ vanishes in homological degrees larger than the dimension of $X$ in all weights. As an application we obtain a vanishing of homotopy groups of the mod-2 topological groups of averaged cycles and a characterization in a range of indices of the motivic cohomology of a real variety as homotopy groups of the complex of averaged equidimensional cycles. We also establish an equivariant Poincare duality between equivariant Friedlander-Walker real morphic cohomology and dos Santos real Lawson homology. We use this together with an equivariant extension of the mod-2 Beilinson-Lichtenbaum conjecture to compute some real Lawson homology groups in terms of Bredon cohomology.
This is an expanded version of the two papers Interpolation of Varieties of Minimal Degree and Interpolation Problems: Del Pezzo Surfaces. It is well known that one can find a rational normal curve in $mathbb P^n$ through $n+3$ general points. More recently, it was shown that one can always find nonspecial curves through the expected number of general points and linear spaces. After some expository material regarding scrolls, we consider the generalization of this question to varieties of all dimensions and explain why smooth varieties of minimal degree satisfy interpolation. We give twenty-two equivalent formulations of interpolation. We also classify when Castelnuovo curves satisfy weak interpolation. In the appendix, we prove that del Pezzo surfaces satisfy weak interpolation. Our techniques for proving interpolation include deformation theory, degeneration and specialization, and association.
We give scheme-theoretic descriptions of the category of fibre functors on the categories of sheaves associated to the Zariski, Nisnevich, etale, rh, cdh, ldh, eh, qfh, and h topologies on the category of separated schemes of finite type over a separated noetherian base. Combined with a theorem of Deligne on the existence of enough points, this provides an algebro-geometric description of a conservative family of fibre functors on these categories of sheaves. As an example of an application we show direct image along a closed immersion is exact for all these topologies except qfh. The methods are transportable to other categories of sheaves as well.
We develop the framework for augmented homotopical algebraic geometry. This is an extension of homotopical algebraic geometry, which itself is a homotopification of classical algebraic geometry. To do so, we define the notion of augmentation categories, which are a special class of generalised Reedy categories. For an augmentation category, we prove the existence of a closed Quillen model structure on the presheaf category which is compatible with the Kan-Quillen model structure on simplicial sets. Moreover, we use the concept of augmented hypercovers to define a local model structure on the category of augmented presheaves. We prove that crossed simplicial groups, and the planar rooted tree category are examples of augmentation categories. Finally, we introduce a method for generating new examples from old via a categorical pushout construction.
Using the work of Guillen and Navarro Aznar we associate to each real algebraic variety a filtered chain complex, the weight complex, which is well-defined up to filtered quasi-isomorphism, and which induces on Borel-Moore homology with Z/2 coefficients an analog of the weight filtration for complex algebraic varieties.