Structural and magnetic characterization of the one-dimensional S = 5/2 antiferromagnetic chain system SrMn(VO4)(OH)

Abstract in English

The descloizite-type compound, SrMn(VO4)(OH), was synthesized as large single crystals using a high-temperature high-pressure hydrothermal technique. X-ray single crystal structure analysis reveals that the material crystallizes in the acentric orthorhombic space group of P212121. The structure exhibits a one-dimensional feature, with MnO4 chains propagating along the a-axis which are interconnected by VO4 tetrahedra. Raman and infrared spectra were obtained to identify the fundamental vanadate and hydroxide vibrational modes. Magnetization data reveal a broad maximum at approximately 80 K, arising from one-dimensional magnetic correlations with intrachain exchange constant of J/kB = 9.97(3) K between nearest Mn neighbors and a canted antiferromagnetic behavior below TN = 30 K. Single crystal neutron diffraction at 4 K yielded a magnetic structure solution in the lower symmetry of the magnetic space group P21 with two unique chains displaying antiferromagnetically ordered Mn moments oriented nearly perpendicular to the chain axis. The presence of the Dzyaloshinskii Moriya antisymmetric exchange interaction leads to a slight canting of the spins and gives rise to a weak ferromagnetic component along the chain direction.
