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Parallax and orbital effects in astrometric microlensing with binary sources

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 Added by Achille A. Nucita
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In gravitational microlensing, binary systems may act as lenses or sources. Identifying lens binarity is generally easy especially in events characterized by caustic crossing since the resulting light curve exhibits strong deviations from smooth single-lensing light curve. On the contrary, light curves with minor deviations from a Paczynski behaviour do not allow one to identify the source binarity. A consequence of the gravitational microlensing is the shift of the position of the multiple image centroid with respect to the source star location - the so called astrometric microlensing signal. When the astrometric signal is considered, the presence of a binary source manifests with a path that largely differs from that expected for single-source events. Here, we investigate the astrometric signatures of binary sources taking into account their orbital motion and the parallax effect due to the Earth motion, which turn out not to be negligible in most cases. We also show that considering the above-mentioned effects is important in the analysis of astrometric data in order to correctly estimate the lens-event parameters.

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Astrometric microlensing will offer in the next future a new channel for investigating the nature of both lenses and sources involved in a gravitational microlensing event. The effect, corresponding to the shift of the position of the multiple image centroid with respect to the source star location, is expected to occurr on scales from micro-arcoseconds to milli-arcoseconds depending on the characteristics of the lens-source system. Here, we consider different classes of events (single/binary lens acting on a single/binary source) also accounting for additional effects including the finite source size, the blending and orbital motion. This is particularly important in the era of Gaia observations which is making possible astrometric measurements with unprecedent quality.
142 - I.-G. Shin , T. Sumi , A. Udalski 2012
Microlensing can provide an important tool to study binaries, especially those composed of faint or dark objects. However, accurate analysis of binary-lens light curves is often hampered by the well-known degeneracy between close (s<1) and wide (s>1) binaries, which can be very severe due to an intrinsic symmetry in the lens equation. Here s is the normalized projected binary separation. In this paper, we propose a method that can resolve the close/wide degeneracy using the effect of a lens orbital motion on lensing light curves. The method is based on the fact that the orbital effect tends to be important for close binaries while it is negligible for wide binaries. We demonstrate the usefulness of the method by applying it to an actually observed binary-lens event MOA-2011-BLG-040/OGLE-2011-BLG-0001, which suffers from severe close/wide degeneracy. From this, we are able to uniquely specify that the lens is composed of K and M-type dwarfs located at ~3.5 kpc from the Earth.
Motivated by the ongoing Spitzer observational campaign, and the forecoming K2 one, we revisit, working in an heliocentric reference frame, the geometrical foundation for the analysis of the microlensing parallax, as measured with the simultaneous observation of the same microlensing event from two observers with relative distance of order AU. For the case of observers at rest we discuss the well known fourfold microlensing parallax degeneracy and determine an equation for the degenerate directions of the lens trajectory. For the case of observers in motion, we write down an extension of the Gould (1994) relationship between the microlensing parallax and the observable quantities and, at the same time, we highlight the functional dependence of these same quantities from the timescale of the underlying microlensing event. Furthermore, through a series of examples, we show the importance of taking into account the motion of the observers to correctly recover the parameters of the underlying microlensing event. In particular we discuss the cases of the amplitude of the microlensing parallax and that of the difference of the timescales between the observed microlensing events, key to understand the breaking of the microlensing parallax degeneracy. Finally, we consider the case of the simultaneous observation of the same microlensing event from ground and two satellites, a case relevant for the expected joint K2 and Spitzer observational programs in 2016.
We present the analysis of the binary gravitational microlensing event MOA-2015-BLG-020. The event has a fairly long timescale (about 63 days) and thus the light curve deviates significantly from the lensing model that is based on the rectilinear lens-source relative motion. This enables us to measure the microlensing parallax through the annual parallax effect. The microlensing parallax parameters constrained by the ground-based data are confirmed by the Spitzer observations through the satellite parallax method. By additionally measuring the angular Einstein radius from the analysis of the resolved caustic crossing, the physical parameters of the lens are determined. It is found that the binary lens is composed of two dwarf stars with masses $M_1 = 0.606 pm 0.028M_odot$ and $M_2 = 0.125 pm 0.006M_odot$ in the Galactic disk. Assuming the source star is at the same distance as the bulge red clump stars, we find the lens is at a distance $D_L = 2.44 pm 0.10 kpc$. In the end, we provide a summary and short discussion of all published microlensing events in which the annual parallax effect is confirmed by other independent observations.
We analyze the gravitational binary-lensing event OGLE-2016-BLG-0156, for which the lensing light curve displays pronounced deviations induced by microlens-parallax effects. The light curve exhibits 3 distinctive widely-separated peaks and we find that the multiple-peak feature provides a very tight constraint on the microlens-parallax effect, enabling us to precisely measure the microlens parallax $pi_{rm E}$. All the peaks are densely and continuously covered from high-cadence survey observations using globally located telescopes and the analysis of the peaks leads to the precise measurement of the angular Einstein radius $theta_{rm E}$. From the combination of the measured $pi_{rm E}$ and $theta_{rm E}$, we determine the physical parameters of the lens. It is found that the lens is a binary composed of two M dwarfs with masses $M_1=0.18pm 0.01 M_odot$ and $M_2=0.16pm 0.01 M_odot$ located at a distance $D_{rm L}= 1.35pm 0.09 {rm kpc}$. According to the estimated lens mass and distance, the flux from the lens comprises an important fraction, $sim 25%$, of the blended flux. The bright nature of the lens combined with the high relative lens-source motion, $mu=6.94pm 0.50 {rm mas} {rm yr}^{-1}$, suggests that the lens can be directly observed from future high-resolution follow-up observations.
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