What is the Best Feature Learning Procedure in Hierarchical Recognition Architectures?

Abstract in English

(This paper was written in November 2011 and never published. It is posted on arXiv.org in its original form in June 2016). Many recent object recognition systems have proposed using a two phase training procedure to learn sparse convolutional feature hierarchies: unsupervised pre-training followed by supervised fine-tuning. Recent results suggest that these methods provide little improvement over purely supervised systems when the appropriate nonlinearities are included. This paper presents an empirical exploration of the space of learning procedures for sparse convolutional networks to assess which method produces the best performance. In our study, we introduce an augmentation of the Predictive Sparse Decomposition method that includes a discriminative term (DPSD). We also introduce a new single phase supervised learning procedure that places an L1 penalty on the output state of each layer of the network. This forces the network to produce sparse codes without the expensive pre-training phase. Using DPSD with a new, complex predictor that incorporates lateral inhibition, combined with multi-scale feature pooling, and supervised refinement, the system achieves a 70.6% recognition rate on Caltech-101. With the addition of convolutional training, a 77% recognition was obtained on the CIfAR-10 dataset.
