Synthesis, characterization and physical properties of layered bismuthide PtBi$_2$

Abstract in English

We report details of single crystal growth of stoichiometric bismuthide PtBi$_2$ whose structure consists of alternate stacking of Pt layer sandwiched by Bi bilayer along the $c$-axis. The compound crystallizes in space group P-3 with a hexagonal unit cell of $a$=$b$=6.553$AA$, $c$=6.165$AA$. The magnetization data show opposite sign for fields parallel and perpendicular to the Pt layers, respectively. The $T$-dependent resistivity is typical of a metal and the magnetic response shows clear two types of charge carriers and the validity of the semi-classical Kohlers rule. Its physical properties was discussed in comparison with recently proposed topological superconductor $beta$-PdBi$_2$.
