We report on the observation of the quantum Hall effect at high temperatures in HgTe quantum wells with a finite band gap and a thickness below and above the critical thickness $d_textnormal{c}$ that separates a conventional semiconductor from a two-dimensional topological insulator. At high carrier concentrations we observe a quantized Hall conductivity up to 60,K with energy gaps between Landau Levels of the order of 25,meV, in good agreement with the Landau Level spectrum obtained from $mathbf{kcdot p}$-calculations. Using the scaling approach for the plateau-plateau transition at $ u=2rightarrow 1$, we find the scaling coefficient $kappa =0.45 pm 0.04$ to be consistent with the universality of scaling theory and we do not find signs of increased electron-phonon interaction to alter the scaling even at these elevated temperatures. Comparing the high temperature limit of the quantized Hall resistance in HgTe quantum wells with a finite band gap with room temperature experiment in graphene, we find the energy gaps at the break-down of the quantization to exceed the thermal energy by the same order of magnitude.