Spontaneous pulsing states in an active particle system

Abstract in English

We study a two-lane two-species exclusion process inspired by Lin et al. (C. Lin et al. J. Stat. Mech., 2011), that exhibits a non-equilibrium pulsing phase. Particles move on two parallel one-dimensional tracks, with one open and one reflecting boundary. The particle type defines the hopping direction. When only particles hopping towards the open end are allowed to change lane, the system exhibits a phase transition from a low density phase to a pulsing phase depending on the ratio between particle injection and type-changing rate. This phase transition can be observed in the stochastic model as well as in a mean-field description. In the low density phase, the density profile can be predicted analytically. The pulsing phase is characterised by a fast filling of the system and - once filled - by a slowly backwards moving front separating a decreasing dense region and an expanding low density region. The hopping of the front on the discrete lattice is found to create density oscillations, both, in time and space. By means of a stability analysis we can predict the structure of the dense region during the emptying process, characterised by exponentially damped perturbations, both at the open end and near the moving front.
