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Jet-dilepton conversion from an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma

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 Added by Arghya Mukherjee
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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We calculate the yield of lepton pair production from jet-plasma interaction where the plasma is anisotropic in momentum space. We compare both the $M$ and $p_T$ distributions from such process with the Drell-Yan contribution. It is observed that the invariant mass distribution of lepton pair from such process dominate over the Drell-Yan up to $3$ GeV at RHIC and up to $10$ GeV at LHC. Moreover, it is found that the contribution from anistropic quark gluon plasma (AQGP) increases marginally compared to the isotropic QGP. In case of $p_T$-distribution we observe an increase by a factor of $3-4$ in the entire $p_T$-range at RHIC for AQGP. However, at LHC the change in the $p_T$-distribution is marginal as compared to the isotropic case.

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A model of statistical quark-gluon plasma formation is considered.We look the dilepton production at critical temperature $T_{c}sim170 Mev $ and completely free out temperature $T=150 MeV$ with the initial temperature as $T_{0}=570,400 (250) MeV$. Now we consider that quark mass is depending on the coupling value through parameterisation factor of the fireball formation and temperature. The rate of production is shown for invariant mass $M$ at the particular value of $ E=2.0,3.0 GeV$.It shows the significant production of leptons in this process for small value of invariant mass. However, the quark-hadron phase transition is a very weakly changed in the entropy of the system during this process of hadronisation.
173 - O. Philipsen , M. Tassler 2009
We reconsider a plasma with an anisotropy imposed on the momentum distribution of the system and study the real time static potential for quarkonia. The distribution function is normalised so as to preserve the particle number in an ideal gas, as required in the Keldysh-Schwinger formalism. In contrast to recent findings without this normalisation, a weak anisotropy does not lead to an increase in the melting temperature for bound states. To test for the maximal effect, we also investigate a gluonic medium in the limit of an asymptotically strong anisotropy. The spectral function of quarkonium is calculated for this case and found to be in remarkable agreement with the corresponding results for an isotropic medium.
81 - S.S. Singh , Agam K. Jha 2006
A model of cut-off momentum distribution functions in a Quark Gluon Plasma with finite baryon chemical potential is discussed. This produces a quark gluon plasma signature in Ultra Relativistic Nuclear Collisions with a specific structure of the dilepton spectrum in the transverse momentum region of $(1-4)~GeV$ and the dilepton production rate is found to be a strong decreasing function of the chemical potential.
A fireball of QGP is evoluted at temperature dependent chemical potential by a statistical model in the pionic medium. We study the dilepton emission rate at temperature dependent chemical potential (TDCP) from such a fireball of QGP. In this model, we take the dynamical quark mass as a finite value dependence on temparature and parametrization factor of the QGP evolution. The temperature and factor in quark mass enhance in the growth of the droplets as well as in the dilepton emission rates. The emission rate from the plasma shows dilepton spectrum in the intermediate mass region (IMR) of (1.0-4.0) GeV and its rate is observed to be a strong increasing function of the temperature dependent chemical potential for quark and antiquark annihilation.
Due to the rapid longitudinal expansion of the quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions, large local-rest-frame momentum-space anisotropies are generated during the systems evolution. These momentum-space anisotropies complicate the modeling of heavy-quarkonium dynamics in the quark-gluon plasma due to the fact that the resulting inter-quark potentials are spatially anisotropic, requiring real-time solution of the 3D Schrodinger equation. Herein, we introduce a method for reducing anisotropic heavy-quark potentials to isotropic ones by introducing an effective screening mass that depends on the quantum numbers $l$ and $m$ of a given state. We demonstrate that, using the resulting effective Debye screening masses, one can solve a 1D Schrodinger equation and reproduce the full 3D results for the energies and binding energies of low-lying heavy-quarkonium bound states to relatively high accuracy. The resulting effective isotropic potential models could provide an efficient method for including momentum-anisotropy effects in open quantum system simulations of heavy-quarkonium dynamics in the quark-gluon plasma.
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