Arbitrary quantum state engineering in three-state systems via Counterdiabatic driving

Abstract in English

A scheme for arbitrary quantum state engineering (QSE) in three-state systems is proposed. Firstly, starting from a set of complete orthogonal time-dependent basis with undetermined coefficients, a time-dependent Hamiltonian is derived via Counterdiabatic driving for the purpose of guiding the system to attain an arbitrary target state at a predefined time. Then, on request of the assumed target states, two single-mode driving protocols and a multi-mode driving protocol are proposed as examples to discuss the validity of the QSE scheme. The result of comparison between single-mode driving and multi-mode driving shows that multi-mode driving seems to have a wider rang of application prospect because it can drive the system to an arbitrary target state from an arbitrary initial state also at a predefined time even without the use of microwave fields for the transition between the two ground states. Moreover, for the purpose of discussion in the schemes feasibility in practice, a polynomial ansatz as the simplest exampleis used to fix the pulses. The result shows that the pulses designed to implement the protocols are not hard to be realized in practice. At the end, QSE in higher-dimensional systems is also discussed in brief as a generalization example of the scheme.
