Gold-induced nanowires on the Ge(100) surface yield a 2D, and not a 1D electronic structure

Abstract in English

Atomic nanowires on semiconductor surfaces induced by the adsorption of metallic atoms have attracted a lot of attention as possible hosts of the elusive, Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. The Au/Ge(100) system in particular is the subject of controversy as to whether the Au-induced nanowires do indeed host exotic, 1D metallic states. We report on a thorough study of the electronic properties of high quality nanowires formed at the Au/Ge(100) surface. High resolution ARPES data show the low-lying Au-induced electronic states to possess a dispersion relation that depends on two orthogonal directions in k-space. Comparison of the E(k$_x$,k$_y$) surface measured using ARPES to tight-binding calculations yields hopping parameters in the two different directions that differ by a factor of two. We find that the larger of the two hopping parameters corresponds, in fact, to the direction perpendicular to the nanowires (t$_{perp}$). This, the topology of the $E$=$E_F$ contour in k$_{||}$, and the fact that $t_{||}$/$t_{perp}sim 0.5$ proves that the Au-induced electron pockets possess a 2D, closed Fermi surface, this firmly places the Au/Ge(100) nanowire system outside being a potential hosts of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. We combine these ARPES data with STS measurements of the spatially-resolved electronic structure and find that the spatially straight conduction channels observed up to energies of order one electron volt below the Fermi level do not originate from the Au-induced states seen in the ARPES data. The former are more likely to be associated with bulk Ge states that are localized to the subsurface region. Despite our proof of the 2D nature of the Au-induced nanowire and sub-surface Ge-related states, an anomalous suppression of the density of states at the Fermi level is observed in both the STS and ARPES data, this phenomenon is discussed in the light of the effects of disorder.
