The Atmosphere of Pluto as Observed by New Horizons

Abstract in English

Observations made during the New Horizons flyby provide a detailed snapshot of the current state of Plutos atmosphere. While the lower atmosphere (at altitudes <200 km) is consistent with ground-based stellar occultations, the upper atmosphere is much colder and more compact than indicated by pre-encounter models. Molecular nitrogen (N$_2$) dominates the atmosphere (at altitudes <1800 km or so), while methane (CH$_4$), acetylene (C$_2$H$_2$), ethylene (C$_2$H$_4$), and ethane (C$_2$H$_6$) are abundant minor species, and likely feed the production of an extensive haze which encompasses Pluto. The cold upper atmosphere shuts off the anticipated enhanced-Jeans, hydrodynamic-like escape of Plutos atmosphere to space. It is unclear whether the current state of Plutos atmosphere is representative of its average state--over seasonal or geologic time scales.
