$mu$SR Insight into the Impurity Problem in Quantum Kagome Antiferromagnets

Abstract in English

Impurities, which are inherently present in any real material, may play an important role in the magnetism of frustrated spin systems with spin-liquid ground states. We address the impurity issue in quantum kagome antiferromagnets by investigating ZnCu$_3$(OH)$_6$SO$_4$ (Zn-brochantite) by means of muon spin spectroscopy. We show that muons couple to the impurity magnetism, originating from Cu-Zn intersite disorder, and that the impurities are highly correlated with the kagome spins, allowing us to probe the intrinsic kagome physics via a Kondo-like effect. The low-temperature plateau in local susceptibility identifies the spin-liquid ground state as being gapless. The corresponding spin fluctuations exhibit an unconventional spectral density and an intriguing field dependence.
