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Exploring modular forms and the cohomology of local systems on moduli spaces by counting points

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 Added by Gerard van der Geer
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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This is a report on a joint project in experimental mathematics with Jonas Bergstrom and Carel Faber where we obtain information about modular forms by counting curves over finite fields.

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We give an explicit conjectural formula for the motivic Euler characteristic of an arbitrary symplectic local system on the moduli space A_3 of principally polarized abelian threefolds. The main term of the formula is a conjectural motive of Siegel modular forms of a certain type; the remaining terms admit a surprisingly simple description in terms of the motivic Euler characteristics for lower genera. The conjecture is based on extensive counts of curves of genus three and abelian threefolds over finite fields. It provides a lot of new information about vector-valued Siegel modular forms of degree three, such as dimension formulas and traces of Hecke operators. We also use it to predict several lifts from genus 1 to genus 3, as well as lifts from G_2 and new congruences of Harder type.
For every known Hecke eigenform of weight 3 with rational eigenvalues we exhibit a K3 surface over QQ associated to the form. This answers a question asked independently by Mazur and van Straten. The proof builds on a classification of CM forms by the second author.
We formulate a conjecture that describes the vector-valued Siegel modular forms of degree 2 and level 2 of weight Sym^j det^2 and provide some evidence for it. We construct such modular forms of weight (j,2) via covariants of binary sextics and calculate their Fourier expansions illustrating the effectivity of the approach via covariants. Two appendices contain related results of Chenevier; in particular a proof of the fact that every modular form of degree 2 and level 2 and weight (j,1) vanishes.
224 - Gerard van der Geer 2021
This is a survey based on the construction of Siegel modular forms of degree 2 and 3 using invariant theory in joint work with Fabien Clery and Carel Faber.
188 - Gerard van der Geer 2019
We determine the structure of the ring of Siegel modular forms of degree 2 in characteristic 3.
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