Automated deconvolution of structured mixtures from bulk tumor genomic data

Abstract in English

Motivation: As cancer researchers have come to appreciate the importance of intratumor heterogeneity, much attention has focused on the challenges of accurately profiling heterogeneity in individual patients. Experimental technologies for directly profiling genomes of single cells are rapidly improving, but they are still impractical for large-scale sampling. Bulk genomic assays remain the standard for population-scale studies, but conflate the influences of mixtures of genetically distinct tumor, stromal, and infiltrating immune cells. Many computational approaches have been developed to deconvolute these mixed samples and reconstruct the genomics of genetically homogeneous clonal subpopulations. All such methods, however, are limited to reconstructing only coarse approximations to a few major subpopulations. In prior work, we showed that one can improve deconvolution of genomic data by leveraging substructure in cellular mixtures through a strategy called simplicial complex inference. This strategy, however, is also limited by the difficulty of inferring mixture structure from sparse, noisy assays. Results: We improve on past work by introducing enhancements to automate learning of substructured genomic mixtures, with specific emphasis on genome-wide copy number variation (CNV) data. We introduce methods for dimensionality estimation to better decompose mixture model substructure; fuzzy clustering to better identify substructure in sparse, noisy data; and automated model inference methods for other key model parameters. We show that these improvements lead to more accurate inference of cell populations and mixture proportions in simulated scenarios. We further demonstrate their effectiveness in identifying mixture substructure in real tumor CNV data. Availability: Source code is available at
