Mapping Seyfert and LINER Excitation Modes in the Inner kpc of NGC 3393

Abstract in English

We have mapped the extended narrow line region (ENLR) of NGC 3393 on scales of $rlesssim4^{primeprime}$ ($sim1,$kpc) from the nucleus using emission line images of H$alpha,lambda6563$, [O III]$lambda5007$, and [S II]$lambdalambda6717,6731$ taken with HST as part of the CHandra survey of Extended Emission line Regions in nearby Seyfert galaxies (CHEERS). By mapping these lines onto a spatially resolved Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich (BPT) diagram, we investigate the impact of feedback from a Compton-thick AGN on its circumnuclear ISM. We find the expected Seyfert-like emission within the ionization bicone ($lesssim3^{primeprime}$; 770 pc). We also find a new, figure 8 shaped LINER cocoon enveloping the bicone and defining a sharp ($lesssim100;$pc) transition between higher and lower ionization zones. These data illustrate the morphological dependence of ionization states of the ENLR relative to bicone and host gas geometries.
