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The aim of applied topology is to use and develop topological methods for applied mathematics, science and engineering. One of the main tools is persistent homology, an adaptation of classical homology, which assigns a barcode, i.e. a collection of intervals, to a finite metric space. Because of the nature of the invariant, barcodes are not well-adapted for use by practitioners in machine learning tasks. We can circumvent this problem by assigning numerical quantities to barcodes and these outputs can then be used as input to standard algorithms. It is the purpose of this paper to identify tropical coordinates on the space of barcodes and prove that they are stable with respect to the bottleneck distance and Wasserstein distances.
Multiparameter persistence is a natural extension of the well-known persistent homology, which has attracted a lot of interest. However, there are major theoretical obstacles preventing the full development of this promising theory. In this paper we consider the interesting special case of multiparameter persistence in zero dimensions which can be regarded as a form of multiparameter clustering. In particular, we consider the multiparameter persistence modules of the zero-dimensional homology of filtered topological spaces when they are finitely generated. Under certain assumptions, we characterize such modules and study their decompositions. In particular we identify a natural class of representations that decompose and can be extended back to form zero-dimensional multiparameter persistence modules. Our study of this set of representations concludes that despite the restrictions, there are still infinitely many classes of indecomposables in this set.
Biological and physical systems often exhibit distinct structures at different spatial/temporal scales. Persistent homology is an algebraic tool that provides a mathematical framework for analyzing the multi-scale structures frequently observed in nature. In this paper a theoretical framework for the algorithmic computation of an arbitrarily good approximation of the persistent homology is developed. We study the filtrations generated by sub-level sets of a function $f : X to mathbb{R}$, where $X$ is a CW-complex. In the special case $X = [0,1]^N$, $N in mathbb{N}$ we discuss implementation of the proposed algorithms. We also investigate a priori and a posteriori bounds of the approximation error introduced by our method.
We introduce a refinement of the persistence diagram, the graded persistence diagram. It is the Mobius inversion of the graded rank function, which is obtained from the rank function using the unary numeral system. Both persistence diagrams and graded persistence diagrams are integer-valued functions on the Cartesian plane. Whereas the persistence diagram takes non-negative values, the graded persistence diagram takes values of 0, 1, or -1. The sum of the graded persistence diagrams is the persistence diagram. We show that the positive and negative points in the k-th graded persistence diagram correspond to the local maxima and minima, respectively, of the k-th persistence landscape. We prove a stability theorem for graded persistence diagrams: the 1-Wasserstein distance between k-th graded persistence diagrams is bounded by twice the 1-Wasserstein distance between the corresponding persistence diagrams, and this bound is attained. In the other direction, the 1-Wasserstein distance is a lower bound for the sum of the 1-Wasserstein distances between the k-th graded persistence diagrams. In fact, the 1-Wasserstein distance for graded persistence diagrams is more discriminative than the 1-Wasserstein distance for the corresponding persistence diagrams.
We give a self-contained treatment of the theory of persistence modules indexed over the real line. We give new proofs of the standard results. Persistence diagrams are constructed using measure theory. Linear algebra lemmas are simplified using a new notation for calculations on quiver representations. We show that the stringent finiteness conditions required by traditional methods are not necessary to prove the existence and stability of the persistence diagram. We introduce weaker hypotheses for taming persistence modules, which are met in practice and are strong enough for the theory still to work. The constructions and proofs enabled by our framework are, we claim, cleaner and simpler.
The classical persistence algorithm virtually computes the unique decomposition of a persistence module implicitly given by an input simplicial filtration. Based on matrix reduction, this algorithm is a cornerstone of the emergent area of topological data analysis. Its input is a simplicial filtration defined over the integers $mathbb{Z}$ giving rise to a $1$-parameter persistence module. It has been recognized that multi-parameter version of persistence modules given by simplicial filtrations over $d$-dimensional integer grids $mathbb{Z}^d$ is equally or perhaps more important in data science applications. However, in the multi-parameter setting, one of the main challenges is that topological summaries based on algebraic structure such as decompositions and bottleneck distances cannot be as efficiently computed as in the $1$-parameter case because there is no known extension of the persistence algorithm to multi-parameter persistence modules. We present an efficient algorithm to compute the unique decomposition of a finitely presented persistence module $M$ defined over the multiparameter $mathbb{Z}^d$.The algorithm first assumes that the module is presented with a set of $N$ generators and relations that are emph{distinctly graded}. Based on a generalized matrix reduction technique it runs in $O(N^{2omega+1})$ time where $omega<2.373$ is the exponent for matrix multiplication. This is much better than the well known algorithm called Meataxe which runs in $tilde{O}(N^{6(d+1)})$ time on such an input. In practice, persistence modules are usually induced by simplicial filtrations. With such an input consisting of $n$ simplices, our algorithm runs in $O(n^{2omega+1})$ time for $d=2$ and in $O(n^{d(2omega + 1)})$ time for $d>2$.