Crossover phenomena of percolation transition in evolution networks with hybrid attachment

Abstract in English

A first-order percolation transition, called explosive percolation, was recently discovered in evolution networks with random edge selection under a certain restriction. However, the network percolation with more realistic evolution mechanisms such as preferential attachment has not yet been concerned. We propose a tunable network percolation model by introducing a hybrid mechanism of edge selection into the Bohman-Frieze-Wormald model, in which a parameter adjusts the relative weights between random and preferential selections. A large number of simulations indicate that there exist crossover phenomena of percolation transition by adjusting the parameter in the evolution processes. When the strategy of selecting a candidate edge is dominated by random selection, a single discontinuous percolation transition occurs. When a candidate edge is selected more preferentially based on nodes degree, the size of the largest component undergoes multiple discontinuous jumps, which exhibits a peculiar difference from the network percolation of random selection with a certain restriction. Besides, the percolation transition becomes continuous when the candidate edge is selected completely preferentially.
