Dynamics of Modified Chaplygin Gas Inflation on the Brane with Bulk Viscous Pressure

Abstract in English

We investigate the role of bulk viscous pressure on the warm inflationary modified Chaplygin gas in brane-world framework in the presence of standard scalar field. We assume the intermediate inflationary scenario in strong dissipative regime and constructed the inflaton, potential, entropy density, slow-roll parameters, scalar and tensor power spectra, scalar spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio. We develop various trajectories such as $n_s - N$, $n_s - r$ and $n_s - alpha_s$ (where $n_s$ is the spectral index, $alpha_s$ is the running of spectral index, $N$ is the number of e-folds and $r$ is tensor-to-scalar ratio) for variable as well as constant dissipation and bulk viscous coefficients at high dissipative regime. It is interesting to remark here that our results of these parameters are compatible with recent observational data such as WMAP $7+9$, BICEP$2$ and Planck data.
