The Wide-Angle Outflow of the Lensed z = 1.51 AGN HS 0810+2554

Abstract in English

We present results from X-ray observations of the gravitationally lensed z = 1.51 AGN HS 0810+2554 performed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton. Blueshifted absorption lines are detected in both observations at rest-frame energies ranging between ~1-12 keV at > 99% confidence. The inferred velocities of the outflowing components range between ~0.1c and ~0.4c. A strong emission line at ~6.8 keV accompanied by a significant absorption line at ~7.8 keV is also detected in the Chandra observation. The presence of these lines is a characteristic feature of a P-Cygni profile supporting the presence of an expanding outflowing highly ionized iron absorber in this quasar. Modeling of the P-Cygni profile constrains the covering factor of the wind to be > 0.6, assuming disk shielding. A disk-reflection component is detected in the XMM-Newton observation accompanied by blueshifted absorption lines. The XMM-Newton observation constrains the inclination angle to be < 45 degrees at 90% confidence, assuming the hard excess is due to blurred reflection from the accretion disk. The detection of an ultrafast and wide-angle wind in an AGN with intrinsic narrow absorption lines (NALs) would suggest that quasar winds may couple efficiently with the intergalactic medium and provide significant feedback if ubiquitous in all NAL and BAL quasars. We estimate the mass-outflow rate of the absorbers to lie in the range of 1.5 and 3.4 Msolar/yr for the two observations. We find the fraction of kinetic to electromagnetic luminosity released by HS 0810+2554 is large (epsilon = 9 (-6,+8)) suggesting that magnetic driving is likely a significant contributor to the acceleration of this outflow.
