Analysis on a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking

Abstract in English

This is a report on our newly proposed model of dynamical supersymmetry breaking with some details of the analysis involved. The model in the simplest version has only a chiral superfield (multiplet), with a strong four-superfield interaction in the Kahler potential that induces a real two-superfield composite with vacuum condensate. The latter has supersymmetry breaking parts, which we show to bear nontrivial solution following basically a standard nonperturbative analysis for a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio type model on a superfield setting. The real composite superfield has a spin one component but is otherwise quite unconventional. We discuss also the parallel analysis for the effective theory with the composite. Plausible vacuum solutions are illustrated and analyzed. The supersymmetry breaking solutions have generated soft mass(es) for the scalar avoiding the vanishing supertrace condition for the squared-masses of the superfield components. We also present some analysis of the resulted low energy effective theory with components of the composite become dynamical. The determinant of the fermionic modes is shown to be zero illustrating the presence of the expected Goldstino. The model gives the possibility of constructing a supersymmetric standard model with all (super)symmetry breaking masses generated dynamically and directly without the necessity of complicated hidden or mediating sectors.
