OGLE-ing the Magellanic System: Three-Dimensional Structure of the Clouds and the Bridge Using Classical Cepheids

Abstract in English

We analyzed a sample of 9418 fundamental-mode and first-overtone Classical Cepheids from the OGLE-IV Collection of Classical Cepheids. The distance to each Cepheid was calculated using the period-luminosity relation for the Wesenheit magnitude, fitted to our data. The classical Cepheids in the LMC are situated mainly in the bar and in the northern arm. The eastern part of the LMC is closer to us and the plane fit to the whole LMC sample yields the inclination $i=24.2pm0.7$ deg and position angle ${rm P.A.}=151.4pm1.7$ deg. We redefined the LMC bar by extending it in the western direction and found no offset from the plane of the LMC contrary to previous studies. On the other hand, we found that the northern arm is offset from a plane by about $-0.5$ kpc, which was not observed before. The age distribution of the LMC Cepheids shows one maximum at about 100 Myr. We demonstrate that the SMC has a non-planar structure and can be described as an extended ellipsoid. We identified two large ellipsoidal off-axis structures in the SMC. The northern one is located closer to us and is younger, while the south-western is farther and older. The age distribution of the SMC Cepheids is bimodal with one maximum at 110 Myr, and another one at 220 Myr. Younger stars are located in the closer part of this galaxy while older ones are more distant. We classified nine Cepheids from our sample as Magellanic Bridge objects. These Cepheids show a large spread in three-dimensions although five of them form a connection between the Clouds. The closest one is closer than any of the LMC Cepheids, while the farthest one -- farther than any SMC Cepheid. All but one Cepheids in the Magellanic Bridge are younger than 300 Myr. The oldest one can be associated with the SMC Wing.
