The LHAASO experiment: from Gamma-Ray Astronomy to Cosmic Rays

Abstract in English

LHAASO is expected to be the most sensitive project to face the open problems in Galactic cosmic ray physics through a combined study of photon- and charged particle-induced extensive air showers in the energy range 10$^{11}$ - 10$^{17}$ eV. This new generation multi-component experiment will be able of continuously surveying the gamma-ray sky for steady and transient sources from about 100 GeV to PeV energies, thus opening for the first time the 10$^2$--10$^3$ TeV range to the direct observations of the high energy cosmic ray sources. In addition, the different observables (electronic, muonic and Cherenkov components) that will be measured in LHAASO will allow the study of the origin, acceleration and propagation of the radiation through a measurement of energy spectrum, elemental composition and anisotropy with unprecedented resolution. The installation of the experiment started at very high altitude in China (Daocheng site, Sichuan province, 4410 m a.s.l.). The commissioning of one fourth of the detector will be implemented in 2018. The completion of the installation is expected by the end of 2021.
