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Quantum Control Landscapes Beyond the Dipole Approximation

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 Added by Benjamin Russell
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the control landscapes of closed, finite level quantum systems beyond the dipole approximation by including a polarizability term in the Hamiltonian. Theoretical analysis is presented for the $n$ level case and formulas for singular controls, which are candidates for landscape traps, are compared to their analogues in the dipole approximation. A numerical analysis of the existence of traps in control landscapes beyond the dipole approximation is made in the four level case. A numerical exploration of these control landscapes is achieved by generating many random Hamiltonians which include a term quadratic in a single control field. The landscapes of such systems are found numerically to be trap free in general. This extends a great body of recent work on typical landscapes of quantum systems where the dipole approximation is made. We further investigate the relationship between the magnitude of the polarizability and the magnitude of the controls resulting from optimization. It is shown numerically that including a polarizability term in an otherwise uncontrollable system removes traps from the landscapes of a specific family of systems by restoring controllability. We numerically assess the effect of a random polarizability term on the know example of a three level system with a second order trap in its control landscape. It is found that the addition of polarizability removes the trap from the landscape. The implications for laboratory control are discussed.

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We study the gauge invariance of laser-matter interaction. The velocity gauge where the vector potential is expanded to the $n$-th order with respect to the spatial coordinate, and the length gauge where the electric and magnetic fields are expanded to the $n$-th and $(n-1)$-th orders, respectively, are mutually gauge-transformed, describing the physically equivalent situation. The latter includes up to the electric $2^{n+1}$-pole and magnetic $2^n$-pole interactions as well as two extra terms. The finding serves to develop consistent nonperturbative simulation methods beyond the electric dipole approximation.
A proof that almost all quantum systems have trap free (that is, free from local optima) landscapes is presented for a large and physically general class of quantum system. This result offers an explanation for why gradient methods succeed so frequently in quantum control in both theory and practice. The role of singular controls is analyzed using geometric tools in the case of the control of the propagator of closed finite dimension systems. This type of control field has been implicated as a source of landscape traps. The conditions under which singular controls can introduce traps, and thus interrupt the progress of a control optimization, are discussed and a geometrical characterization of the issue is presented. It is shown that a control being singular is not sufficient to cause a control optimization progress to halt and sufficient conditions for a trap free landscape are presented. It is further shown that the local surjectivity axiom of landscape analysis can be refined to the condition that the end-point map is transverse to each of the level sets of the fidelity function. This novel condition is shown to be sufficient for a quantum systems landscape to be trap free. The control landscape for a quantum system is shown to be trap free for all but a null set of Hamiltonians using a novel geometric technique based on the parametric transversality theorem. Numerical evidence confirming this is also presented. This result is the analogue of the work of Altifini, wherein it is shown that controllability holds for all but a null set of quantum systems in the dipole approximation. The presented results indicate that by-and-large limited control resources are the most physically relevant source of landscape traps.
Using a nonrelativistic potential model, we calculate the cross section for the leading-order gluon dissociation of J/psi by including the full gluon wave function. We find that the resulting cross section as a function of gluon energy is reduced by about a factor of three at its maximum value compared to that calculated in the dipole approximation that is usually adopted in theoretical studies. The effect of the reduced cross section on the J/psi dissociation width at finite temperature is also discussed.
We present a comprehensive analysis of the landscape for full quantum-quantum control associated with the expectation value of an arbitrary observable of one quantum system controlled by another quantum system. It is shown that such full quantum-quantum control landscapes are convex, and hence devoid of local suboptima and saddle points that may exist in landscapes for quantum systems controlled by time-dependent classical fields. There is no controllability requirement for the full quantum-quantum landscape to be trap-free, although the forms of Hamiltonians, the flexibility in choosing initial state of the controller, as well as the control duration, can infulence the reachable optimal value on the landscape. All level sets of the full quantum-quantum landscape are connected convex sets. Finally, we show that the optimal solution of the full quantum-quantum control landscape can be readily determined numerically, which is demonstrated using the Jaynes-Cummings model depicting a two-level atom interacting with a quantized radiation field.
Crystals of plasmonic metal nanoparticles have intriguing optical properties. They reach the regimes of ultrastrong and deep strong light-matter coupling, where the photonic states need to be included in the simulation of material properties. We propose a quantum description of the plasmon polaritons in supercrystals that starts from the dipole and quadrupole excitations of the nanoparticle building blocks and their coupling to photons. Our model excellently reproduces results of finite difference time domain simulations. It provides detailed insight into the emergence of the polariton states. Using the example of a face centered cubic crystals we show that the dipole and quadrupole states mix in many high symmetry directions of the Brilouin zone. A proper description of the plasmon and plasmon-polariton band structure is only possible when including the quadrupole-derived states. Our model leads to an expression of the reduced coupling strength in nanoparticle supercrystals that we show to enter the deep strong coupling regime for metal fill fractions above $0.8$. In addition to the plasmon-polariton energies we analyse the relative contributions of the dipole, quadrupole, and photonic states to their eigenfunctions and are able to demonstrate the decoupling of light in the deep strong coupling regime. Our results pave the way for a better understanding of the quantum properties of metallic nanoparticle supercrystals in the ultrastrong and deep-strong coupling regime.
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