Extrinsic and intrinsic curvatures in thermodynamic geometry

Abstract in English

We investigate the intrinsic and extrinsic curvatures of certain hypersurfaces in the thermodynamic geometry of a physical system and show that they contain useful thermodynamic information. For an anti-Reissner-Nordstr{o}m-(A)de Sitter black hole (Phantom), the extrinsic curvature of a constant $Q$ hypersurface has the same sign as the heat capacity around the phase transition points. For a Kerr-Newmann-AdS (KN-AdS) black hole, the extrinsic curvature of $Q to 0$ hypersurface (Kerr black hole) or $J to 0$ hypersurface (RN black black hole) has the same sign as the heat capacity around the phase transition points. The extrinsic curvature also diverges at the phase transition points. The intrinsic curvature of the hypersurfaces diverges at the critical points but has no information about the sign of the heat capacity. Our study explains the consistent relationship holding between the thermodynamic geometry of the KN-AdS black holes and those of the RN and Kerr ones cite{ref1}. This approach can be easily generalized to an arbitrary thermodynamic system.
