A Swift view on IGR~J19149+1036

Abstract in English

IGR~J19149+1036 is a high mass X-ray binary detected by INTEGRAL in 2011 in the hard X-ray domain. We have analyzed the BAT survey data of the first 103 months of the Swift mission detecting this source at a significance level of ~30 standard deviations. The timing analysis on the long term BAT light curve reveals the presence of a strong sinusoidal intensity modulation of 22.25+/- 0.05 d, that we interpret as the orbital period of this binary system. A broad band (0.3-150 keV) spectral analysis was performed combining the BAT spectrum and the XRT spectra from the pointed follow up observations. The spectrum is adequately modeled with an absorbed power law with a high energy cutoff at ~24 keV and an absorption cyclotron feature at ~31 keV. Correcting for the gravitational redshift, the inferred magnetic field at the neutron star surface is B_surf ~ 3.6 x 10^12 gauss.
