Maximal Function Characterizations of Variable Hardy Spaces Associated with Non-negative Self-adjoint Operators Satisfying Gaussian Estimates

Abstract in English

Let $p(cdot): mathbb R^nto(0,1]$ be a variable exponent function satisfying the globally $log$-Holder continuous condition and $L$ a non-negative self-adjoint operator on $L^2(mathbb R^n)$ whose heat kernels satisfying the Gaussian upper bound estimates. Let $H_L^{p(cdot)}(mathbb R^n)$ be the variable exponent Hardy space defined via the Lusin area function associated with the heat kernels ${e^{-t^2L}}_{tin (0,infty)}$. In this article, the authors first establish the atomic characterization of $H_L^{p(cdot)}(mathbb R^n)$; using this, the authors then obtain its non-tangential maximal function characterization which, when $p(cdot)$ is a constant in $(0,1]$, coincides with a recent result by Song and Yan [Adv. Math. 287 (2016), 463-484] and further induces the radial maximal function characterization of $H_L^{p(cdot)}(mathbb R^n)$ under an additional assumption that the heat kernels of $L$ have the Holder regularity.
