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Revised Wavelength and Spectral Response Calibrations for AKARI Near-Infrared Grism Spectroscopy: Cryogenic Phase

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 Added by Shunsuke Baba
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We perform revised spectral calibrations for the AKARI near-infrared grism to quantitatively correct for the effect of the wavelength-dependent refractive index. The near-infrared grism covering the wavelength range of 2.5--5.0 micron with a spectral resolving power of 120 at 3.6 micron, is found to be contaminated by second-order light at wavelengths longer than 4.9 micron which is especially serious for red objects. First, we present the wavelength calibration considering the refractive index of the grism as a function of the wavelength for the first time. We find that the previous solution is positively shifted by up to 0.01 micron compared with the revised wavelengths at 2.5--5.0 micron. In addition, we demonstrate that second-order contamination occurs even with a perfect order-sorting filter owing to the wavelength dependence of the refractive index. Second, the spectral responses of the system from the first- and second-order light are simultaneously obtained from two types of standard objects with different colors. The response from the second-order light suggests leakage of the order-sorting filter below 2.5 micron. The relations between the output of the detector and the intensities of the first- and second-order light are formalized by a matrix equation that combines the two orders. The removal of the contaminating second-order light can be achieved by solving the matrix equation. The new calibration extends the available spectral coverage of the grism mode from 4.9 micron up to 5.0 micron. The revision can be used to study spectral features falling in these extended wavelengths, e.g., the carbon monoxide fundamental ro-vibrational absorption within nearby active galactic nuclei.

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We present a new calibration for the second-order light contamination in the near-infrared grism spectroscopy with the Infrared Camera aboard AKARI, specifically for the post-cryogenic phase of the satellite (Phase 3). Following our previous work on the cryogenic phase (Phases 1 and 2), the wavelength and spectral response calibrations were revised. Unlike Phases 1 and 2, during Phase 3, the temperature of the instrument was not stable and gradually increased from 40 to 47 K. To assess the effect of the temperature increase, we divided Phase 3 into three sub-phases and performed the calibrations separately. As in Phases 1 and 2, we confirmed that there was contamination due to the wavelength dependence of the refractive index of the grism material in every sub-phase. The wavelength calibration curves for the three sub-phases coincided with each other and did not show any significant temperature dependence. The response decreased with temperature by ~10% from the beginning to the end of Phase 3. We approximated the temperature dependence of the response as a linear relation and derived a correction factor as a function of temperature. The relative fraction of the second-order light contamination to the first-order light was found to be by 25% smaller than in Phases 1 and 2.
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Near-infrared (2.5-5.0$,mu$m) low-resolution ($lambda/Deltalambda{sim}100$) spectra of 72 Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) were obtained with the Infrared Camera (IRC) in the post-helium phase. The IRC, equipped with a $1{times}1$ window for spectroscopy of a point source, was capable of obtaining near-infrared spectra in a slit-less mode without any flux loss due to a slit. The spectra show emission features including hydrogen recombination lines and the 3.3-3.5$,mu$m hydrocarbon features. The intensity and equivalent width of the emission features were measured by spectral fitting. We made a catalog providing unique information on the investigation of the near-infrared emission of PNe. In this paper, details of the observations and characteristics of the catalog are described.
143 - A. Eckart , K. Muzic , S. Yazici 2012
There are a number of faint compact infrared excess sources in the central stellar cluster of the Milky Way. Their nature and origin is unclear. In addition to several isolated objects of this kind we find a small but dense cluster of co-moving sources (IRS13N) about 3 west of SgrA* just 0.5 north of the bright IRS13E cluster of WR and O-type stars. Based on their color and brightness, there are two main possibilities: (1) they may be dust embedded stars older than few Myr, or (2) extremely young, dusty stars with ages less than 1Myr. We present fist H- and Ks-band identifications or proper motions of the IRS13N members, the high velocity dusty S-cluster object (DSO), and other infrared excess sources in the central field. We also present results of NIR H- and Ks-band ESO-SINFONI integral field spectroscopy of ISR13N. We show that within the uncertainties, the proper motions of the IRS13N sources in Ks- and L-band are identical. This indicates that the bright L-band IRS13N sources are indeed dust enshrouded stars rather than core-less dust clouds. The proper motions show that the IRS13N sources are not strongly gravitationally bound to each other implying that they have been formed recently. We also present a first H- and Ks-band identification as well as proper motions and HKsL-colors of a fast moving DSO which was recently found in the cluster of high speed S-stars that surround the super-massive black hole Sagittarius A* (SgrA*). Most of the compact L-band excess emission sources have a compact H- or Ks-band counterpart and therefore are likely stars with dust shells or disks. Our new results and orbital analysis from our previous work favor the hypothesis that the infrared excess IRS13N members and other dusty sources close to SgrA* are very young dusty stars and that star formation at the GC is a continuously ongoing process.
142 - Youichi Ohyama 2007
The Infrared Camera (IRC) is one of the two instruments on board the AKARI satellite. In addition to deep imaging from 1.8-26.5um for the pointed observation mode of the AKARI, it has a spectroscopic capability in its spectral range. By replacing the imaging filters by transmission-type dispersers on the filter wheels, it provides low-resolution (lambda/d_lambda ~ 20-120) spectroscopy with slits or in a wide imaging field-of-view (approximately 10X10). The IRC spectroscopic mode is unique in space infrared missions in that it has the capability to perform sensitive wide-field spectroscopic surveys in the near- and mid-infrared wavelength ranges. This paper describes specifications of the IRC spectrograph and its in-orbit performance.
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