Removing the spin ice cap: magnetic ground states of rare earth tripod kagome lattice Mg$_2$RE$_3$Sb$_3$O$_{14}$ (RE = Gd, Dy, Er)

Abstract in English

We present the structural and magnetic properties of a new compound family, Mg$_2$RE$_3$Sb$_3$O$_{14}$ (RE = Gd, Dy, Er), with a hitherto unstudied frustrating lattice, the tripod kagome structure. Susceptibility (ac, dc) and specific heat exhibit features that are understood within a simple Luttinger-Tisza type theory. For RE = Gd, we found long ranged order (LRO) at 1.65 K, which is consistent with a 120 $^{circ}$ structure, demonstrating the importance of diople interactions for this 2D Heisenberg system. For RE = Dy, LRO at 0.37 K is related to the kagome spin ice (KSI) physics for a 2D system. This result shows that the tripod kagome structure accelerates the transition to LRO predicted for the related pyrochlore systems. For RE = Er, two transitions, at 80 mK and 2.1 K are observed, suggesting the importance of quantum fluctuations for this putative XY system.
