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Entanglement thermodynamics for charged black holes

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 Added by Vinay Malvimat
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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The holographic quantum entanglement entropy for an infinite strip region of the boundary for the field theory dual to charged black holes in ${cal A}dS_{3+1}$ is investigated. In this framework we elucidate the low and high temperature behavior of the entanglement entropy pertaining to various limits of the black hole charge. In the low temperature regime we establish a first law of entanglement thermodynamics for the boundary field theory.

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We investigate the holographic entanglement entropy in the Rindler-AdS space-time to obtain an exact solution for the corresponding minimal surface. Moreover, the holographic entanglement entropy of the charged single accelerated AdS Black holes in four dimensions is investigated. We obtain the volume of the codimension one-time slice in the bulk geometry enclosed by the minimal surface for both the RindlerAdS space-time and the charged accelerated AdS Black holes in the bulk. It is shown that the holographic entanglement entropy and the volume enclosed by the minimal hyper-surface in both the Rindler spacetime and the charged single accelerated AdS Black holes (C-metric) in the bulk decrease with increasing acceleration parameter. Behavior of the entanglement entropy, subregion size and value of the acceleration parameter are investigated. It is shown that for jAj < 0:2 a larger subregion on the boundary is equivalent to less information about the space-time.
179 - M.H. Dehghani , R. Pourhasan , 2011
We investigate modifications of the Lifshitz black hole solutions due to the presence of Maxwell charge in higher dimensions for arbitrary $z$ and any topology. We find that the behaviour of large black holes is insensitive to the topology of the solutions, whereas for small black holes significant differences emerge. We generalize a relation previously obtained for neutral Lifshitz black branes, and study more generally the thermodynamic relationship between energy, entropy, and chemical potential. We also consider the effect of Maxwell charge on the effective potential between objects in the dual theory.
We construct black hole geometries in AdS$_3$ with non-trivial values of KdV charges. The black holes are holographically dual to quantum KdV Generalized Gibbs Ensemble in 2d CFT. They satisfy thermodynamic identity and thus are saddle point configurations of the Euclidean gravity path integral. We discuss holographic calculation of the KdV generalized partition function and show that for a certain value of chemical potentials new geometries, not the conventional BTZ ones, are the leading saddles.
We investigate the critical behaviour of charged and rotating AdS black holes in d spacetime dimensions, including effects from non-linear electrodynamics via the Born-Infeld action, in an extended phase space in which the cosmological constant is interpreted as thermodynamic pressure. For Reissner-Nordstrom black holes we find that the analogy with the Van der Walls liquid-gas system holds in any dimension greater than three, and that the critical exponents coincide with those of the Van der Waals system. We find that neutral slowly rotating black holes in four space-time dimensions also have the same qualitative behaviour. However charged and rotating black holes in three spacetime dimensions do not exhibit critical phenomena. For Born-Infeld black holes we define a new thermodynamic quantity B conjugate to the Born-Infeld parameter b that we call Born-Infeld vacuum polarization. We demonstrate that this quantity is required for consistency of both the first law of thermodynamics and the corresponding Smarr relation.
The growth of the size of operators is an important diagnostic of quantum chaos. In arXiv:1802.01198 [hep-th] it was conjectured that the holographic dual of the size is proportional to the average radial component of the momentum of the particle created by the operator. Thus the growth of operators in the background of a black hole corresponds to the acceleration of the particle as it falls toward the horizon. In this note we will use the momentum-size correspondence as a tool to study scrambling in the field of a near-extremal charged black hole. The agreement with previous work provides a non-trivial test of the momentum-size relation, as well as an explanation of a paradoxical feature of scrambling previously discovered by Leichenauer [arXiv:1405.7365 [hep-th]]. Naively Leichenauers result says that only the non-extremal entropy participates in scrambling. The same feature is also present in the SYK model. In this paper we find a quite different interpretation of Leichenauers result which does not have to do with any decoupling of the extremal degrees of freedom. Instead it has to do with the buildup of momentum as a particle accelerates through the long throat of the Reissner-Nordstrom geometry.
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