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Vacuum energy density and pressure near a soft wall

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 Added by Stephen A. Fulling
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Perfectly conducting boundaries, and their Dirichlet counterparts for quantum scalar fields, predict nonintegrable energy densities. A more realistic model with a finite ultraviolet cutoff yields two inconsistent values for the force on a curved or edged boundary (the pressure anomaly). A still more realistic, but still easily calculable, model replaces the hard wall by a power-law potential; because it involves no a posteriori modification of the formulas calculated from the theory, this model should be anomaly-free. Here we first set up the formalism and notation for the quantization of a scalar field in the background of a planar soft wall, and we approximate the reduced Green function in perturbative and WKB limits (the latter being appropriate when either the mode frequency or the depth into the wall is sufficiently large). Then we display numerical calculations of energy density and pressure for the region outside the wall, which show that the pressure anomaly does not occur there. Calculations inside the wall are postponed to later papers, which must tackle regularization and renormalization of divergences induced by the potential in the bulk region.

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As the vacuum state of a quantum field is not an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian density, the vacuum energy density can be represented as a random variable. We present an analytical calculation of the probability distribution of the vacuum energy density for real and complex massless scalar fields in Minkowski space. The obtained probability distributions are broad and the vacuum expectation value of the Hamiltonian density is not fully representative of the vacuum energy density.
We study the cosmological properties of a metastable de Sitter vacuum obtained recently in the framework of type IIB flux compactifications in the presence of three D7-brane stacks, based on perturbative quantum corrections at both world-sheet and string loop level that are dominant at large volume and weak coupling. In the simplest case, the model has one effective parameter controlling the shape of the potential of the inflaton which is identified with the volume modulus. The model provides a phenomenological successful small-field inflation for a value of the parameter that makes the minimum very shallow and near the maximum. The horizon exit is close to the inflection point while most of the required e-folds of the Universe expansion are generated near the minimum, with a prediction for the ratio of tensor-to-scalar primordial fluctuations $r sim 4 times 10^{-4}$. Despite its shallowness, the minimum turns out to be practically stable. We show that it can decay only through the Hawking-Moss instanton leading to an extremely long decay rate. Obviously, in order to end inflation and obtain a realistic model, new low-energy physics is needed around the minimum, at intermediate energy scales of order $10^{12}$ GeV. An attractive possibility is by introducing a waterfall field within the framework of hybrid inflation.
175 - H. Nikolic 2016
We present a simple general proof that Casimir force cannot originate from the vacuum energy of electromagnetic (EM) field. The full QED Hamiltonian consists of 3 terms: the pure electromagnetic term $H_{rm em}$, the pure matter term $H_{rm matt}$ and the interaction term $H_{rm int}$. The $H_{rm em}$-term commutes with all matter fields because it does not have any explicit dependence on matter fields. As a consequence, $H_{rm em}$ cannot generate any forces on matter. Since it is precisely this term that generates the vacuum energy of EM field, it follows that the vacuum energy does not generate the forces. The misleading statements in the literature that vacuum energy generates Casimir force can be boiled down to the fact that $H_{rm em}$ attains an implicit dependence on matter fields by the use of the equations of motion and the illegitimate treatment of the implicit dependence as if it was explicit. The true origin of the Casimir force is van der Waals force generated by $H_{rm int}$.
With a view toward application of the Pauli-Villars regularization method to the Casimir energy of boundaries, we calculate the expectation values of the components of the stress tensor of a confined massive field in 1+1 space-time dimensions. Previous papers by Hays and Fulling are bridged and generalized. The Green function for the time-independent Schrodinger equation is constructed from the Green function for the whole line by the method of images; equivalently, the one-dimensional system is solved exactly in terms of closed classical paths and periodic orbits. Terms in the energy density and in the eigenvalue density attributable to the two boundaries individually and those attributable to the confinement of the field to a finite interval are distinguished so that their physical origins are clear. Then the pressure is found similarly from the cylinder kernel, the Green function associated most directly with an exponential frequency cutoff of the Fourier mode expansion. Finally, we discuss how the theory could be rendered finite by the Pauli-Villars method.
131 - S. A. Fulling , Y. Yang 2014
A common tool in Casimir physics (and many other areas) is the asymptotic (high-frequency) expansion of eigenvalue densities, employed as either input or output of calculations of the asymptotic behavior of various Green functions. Here we clarify some fine points and potentially confusing aspects of the subject. In particular, we show how recent observations of Kolomeisky et al. [Phys. Rev. A 87 (2013) 042519] fit into the established framework of the distributional asymptotics of spectral functions.
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