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Improving Software Citation and Credit

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 Added by Alice Allen
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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The past year has seen movement on several fronts for improving software citation, including the Center for Open Sciences Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines, the Software Publishing Special Interest Group that was started at Januarys AAS meeting in Seattle at the request of that organizations Working Group on Astronomical Software, a Sloan-sponsored meeting at GitHub in San Francisco to begin work on a cohesive research software citation-enabling platform, the work of Force11 to transform and improve research communication, and WSSSPEs ongoing efforts that include software publication, citation, credit, and sustainability. Brief reports on these efforts were shared at the BoF, after which participants discussed ideas for improving software citation, generating a list of recommendations to the community of software authors, journal publishers, ADS, and research authors. The discussion, recommendations, and feedback will help form recommendations for software citation to those publishers represented in the Software Publishing Special Interest Group and the broader community.

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Improving software citation and credit continues to be a topic of interest across and within many disciplines, with numerous efforts underway. In this Birds of a Feather (BoF) session, we started with a list of actionable ideas from last years BoF and other similar efforts and worked alone or in small groups to begin implementing them. Work was captured in a common Google document; the session organizers will disseminate or otherwise put this information to use in or for the community in collaboration with those who contributed.
The main output of the FORCE11 Software Citation working group ( was a paper on software citation principles ( published in September 2016. This paper laid out a set of six high-level principles for software citation (importance, credit and attribution, unique identification, persistence, accessibility, and specificity) and discussed how they could be used to implement software citation in the scholarly community. In a series of talks and other activities, we have promoted software citation using these increasingly accepted principles. At the time the initial paper was published, we also provided guidance and examples on how to make software citable, though we now realize there are unresolved problems with that guidance. The purpose of this document is to provide an explanation of current issues impacting scholarly attribution of research software, organize updated implementation guidance, and identify where best practices and solutions are still needed.
In most fields, computational models and data analysis have become a significant part of how research is performed, in addition to the more traditional theory and experiment. Mathematics is no exception to this trend. While the system of publication and credit for theory and experiment (journals and books, often monographs) has developed and has become an expected part of the culture, how research is shared and how candidates for hiring, promotion are evaluated, software (and data) do not have the same history. A group working as part of the FORCE11 community developed a set of principles for software citation that fit software into the journal citation system, allow software to be published and then cited, and there are now over 50,000 DOIs that have been issued for software. However, some challenges remain, including: promoting the idea of software citation to developers and users; collaborating with publishers to ensure that systems collect and retain required metadata; ensuring that the rest of the scholarly infrastructure, particularly indexing sites, include software; working with communities so that software efforts count and understanding how best to cite software that has not been published.
92 - Olga Moskaleva 2019
We analyzed publications data in WoS and Scopus to compare publications in native languages vs publications in English and find any distinctive patterns. We analyzed their distribution by research areas, languages, type of access and citation patterns. The following trends were found: share of English publications increases over time; native-language publications are read and cited less than English-language outside the origin country; open access impact on views and citation is higher for native languages; journal ranking correlates with the share of English publications for multi-language journals. We conclude also that the role of non-English publications in research evaluation in non-English speaking countries is underestimated when research in social science and humanities is assessed only by publications in Web of Science and Scopus.
The paper citation network is a traditional social medium for the exchange of ideas and knowledge. In this paper we view citation networks from the perspective of information diffusion. We study the structural features of the information paths through the citation networks of publications in computer science, and analyze the impact of various citation choices on the subsequent impact of the article. We find that citing recent papers and papers within the same scholarly community garners a slightly larger number of citations on average. However, this correlation is weaker among well-cited papers implying that for high impact work citing within ones field is of lesser importance. We also study differences in information flow for specific subsets of citation networks: books versus conference and journal articles, different areas of computer science, and different time periods.
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