A sharp Trudinger-Moser inequality on any bounded and convex planar domain

Abstract in English

Wang and Ye conjectured in [22]: Let $Omega$ be a regular, bounded and convex domain in $mathbb{R}^{2}$. There exists a finite constant $C({Omega})>0$ such that [ int_{Omega}e^{frac{4pi u^{2}}{H_{d}(u)}}dxdyle C(Omega),;;forall uin C^{infty}_{0}(Omega), ] where $H_{d}=int_{Omega}| abla u|^{2}dxdy-frac{1}{4}int_{Omega}frac{u^{2}}{d(z,partialOmega)^{2}}dxdy$ and $d(z,partialOmega)=minlimits_{z_{1}inpartialOmega}|z-z_{1}|$.} The main purpose of this paper is to confirm that this conjecture indeed holds for any bounded and convex domain in $mathbb{R}^{2}$ via the Riemann mapping theorem (the smoothness of the boundary of the domain is thus irrelevant). We also give a rearrangement-free argument for the following Trudinger-Moser inequality on the hyperbolic space $mathbb{B}={z=x+iy:|z|=sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}<1}$: [ sup_{|u|_{mathcal{H}}leq 1} int_{mathbb{B}}(e^{4pi u^{2}}-1-4pi u^{2})dV=sup_{|u|_{mathcal{H}}leq 1}int_{mathbb{B}}frac{(e^{4pi u^{2}}-1-4pi u^{2})}{(1-|z|^{2})^{2}}dxdy< infty, ] by using the method employed earlier by Lam and the first author [9, 10], where $mathcal{H}$ denotes the closure of $C^{infty}_{0}(mathbb{B})$ with respect to the norm $$|u|_{mathcal{H}}=int_{mathbb{B}}| abla u|^{2}dxdy-int_{mathbb{B}}frac{u^{2}}{(1-|z|^{2})^{2}}dxdy.$$ Using this strengthened Trudinger-Moser inequality, we also give a simpler proof of the Hardy-Moser-Trudinger inequality obtained by Wang and Ye [22].
