Interplay between exotic superfluidity and magnetism in a chain of four-component ultracold atoms

Abstract in English

We investigate the spin-polarized chain of ultracold fermionic atoms with spin-3/2 described by the fermionic Hubbard model with SU(4) symmetric attractive interaction. The competition of bound pairs, trions, quartets and unbound atoms is studied analytically and by density matrix renormalization group simulations. We find several distinct states where bound particles coexist with the ferromagnetic state of unpaired fermions. In particular, an exotic inhomogeneous Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO)-type superfluid of quartets in a magnetic background of uncorrelated atoms is found for weaker interactions. We show that the system can be driven from this quartet-FFLO state to a molecular state of localized quartets which is also reflected in the static structure factor. For strong enough coupling, spatial segregation between molecular crystals and ferromagnetic liquids emerges due to the large effective mass of the composite particles.
