Coherent control of a solid-state quantum bit with few-photon pulses

Abstract in English

Single photons are the natural link between the nodes of a quantum network: they coherently propagate and interact with many types of quantum bits including natural and artificial atoms. Ideally, one atom should deterministically control the state of a photon and vice-versa. The interaction between free space photons and an atom is however intrinsically weak and many efforts have been dedicated to develop an efficient interface. Recently, it was shown that the propagation of light can be controlled by an atomic resonance coupled to a cavity or a single mode waveguide. Here we demonstrate that the state of a single artificial atom in a cavity can be efficiently controlled by a few-photon pulse. We study a quantum dot optimally coupled to an electrically-controlled cavity device, acting as a near optimal one-dimensional atom. By monitoring the exciton population through resonant fluorescence, we demonstrate Rabi oscillations with a $pi$-pulse of only 3.8 photons on average. The probability to flip the exciton quantum bit with a single photon Fock state is calculated to reach 55% in the same device.
