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High thermal conductivity of hexagonal boron nitride laminates

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 Added by Andrey Kretinin Dr.
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Two-dimensional materials are characterised by a number of unique physical properties which can potentially make them useful to a wide diversity of applications. In particular, the large thermal conductivity of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride has already been acknowledged and these materials have been suggested as novel core materials for thermal management in electronics. However, it was not clear if mass produced flakes of hexagonal boron nitride would allow one to achieve an industrially-relevant value of thermal conductivity. Here we demonstrate that laminates of hexagonal boron nitride exhibit thermal conductivity of up to 20 W/mK, which is significantly larger than that currently used in thermal management. We also show that the thermal conductivity of laminates increases with the increasing volumetric mass density, which creates a way of fine-tuning its thermal properties.

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Sub-micron-thick layers of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) exhibit high in-plane thermal conductivity and useful optical properties, and serve as dielectric encapsulation layers with low electrostatic inhomogeneity for graphene devices. Despite the promising applications of hBN as a heat spreader, the cross-plane phonon mean free paths in hBN have not been measured. We measure the cross-plane thermal conductivity of hBN flakes exfoliated from bulk crystals. We find that the thermal conductivity is extremely sensitive to film thickness. We measure a forty-fold increase in the cross-plane thermal conductivity between 7 nm and 585 nm flakes at 285 {deg}K. We attribute the large increase in thermal conductivity with increasing thickness to contributions from phonons with long mean free paths (MFPs), spanning many hundreds of nanometers in the thickest flakes. When planar twist interfaces are introduced into the crystal by mechanically stacking multiple thin flakes, the cross-plane thermal conductivity of the stack is found to be a factor of seven below that of individual flakes with similar total thickness, thus providing strong evidence that phonon scattering at twist boundaries limits the maximum phonon MFPs. These results improve our understanding of thermal transport in two-dimensional materials and have important implications for hBN integration in nanoelectronics.
The thermal conductivity of suspended few-layer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) was measured using a micro-bridge device with built-in resistance thermometers. Based on the measured thermal resistance values of 11-12 atomic layer h-BN samples with suspended length ranging between 3 and 7.5 um, the room-temperature thermal conductivity of a 11-layer sample was found to be about 360 Wm-1K-1, approaching the basal plane value reported for bulk h-BN. The presence of a polymer residue layer on the sample surface was found to decrease the thermal conductivity of a 5-layer h-BN sample to be about 250 Wm-1K-1 at 300 K. Thermal conductivities for both the 5 layer and the 11 layer samples are suppressed at low temperatures, suggesting increasing scattering of low frequency phonons in thin h-BN samples by polymer residue.
High pressure Raman experiments on Boron Nitride multi-walled nanotubes show that the intensity of the vibrational mode at ~ 1367 cm-1 vanishes at ~ 12 GPa and it does not recover under decompression. In comparison, the high pressure Raman experiments on hexagonal Boron Nitride show a clear signature of a phase transition from hexagonal to wurtzite at ~ 13 GPa which is reversible on decompression. These results are contrasted with the pressure behavior of carbon nanotubes and graphite.
Quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are promising building blocks for the realization of integrated quantum photonic systems. However, their spectral inhomogeneity currently limits their potential applications. Here, we apply tensile strain to quantum emitters embedded in few-layer hBN films and realize both red and blue spectral shifts with tuning magnitudes up to 65 meV, a record for any two-dimensional quantum source. We demonstrate reversible tuning of the emission and related photophysical properties. We also observe rotation of the optical dipole in response to strain, suggesting the presence of a second excited state. We derive a theoretical model to describe strain-based tuning in hBN, and the rotation of the optical dipole. Our work demonstrates the immense potential for strain tuning of quantum emitters in layered materials to enable their employment in scalable quantum photonic networks.
Monolayer hBN has attracted interest as a potentially weakly interacting 2D insulating layer in heterostructures. Recently, wafer-scale hBN growth on Cu(111) has been demonstrated for semiconductor chip fabrication processes and transistor action. For all these applications, the perturbation on the underlying electronically active layers is critical. For example, while hBN on Cu(111) has been shown to preserve the Cu(111) surface state 2D electron gas, it was previously unknown how this varies over the sample and how it is affected by local electronic corrugation. Here, we demonstrate that the Cu(111) surface state under wafer-scale hBN is robustly homogeneous in energy and spectral weight over nanometer length scales and over atomic terraces. We contrast this with a benchmark spectral feature associated with interaction between BN atoms and the Cu surface, which varies with the Moire pattern of the hBN/Cu(111) sample and is dependent on atomic registry. This work demonstrates that fragile 2D electron systems and interface states are largely unperturbed by local variations created by the hBN due to atomic-scale interactions with the substrate, thus providing a remarkably transparent window on low-energy electronic structure below the hBN monolayer.
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