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Nodal topological superconductors display zero-energy Majorana flat bands at generic edges. The flatness of these edge bands, which is protected by time-reversal and translation symmetry, gives rise to an extensive ground-state degeneracy. Therefore, even arbitrarily weak interactions lead to an instability of the flat-band edge states towards time-reversal and translation-symmetry-broken phases, which lift the ground-state degeneracy. We examine the instabilities of the flat-band edge states of d_{xy}-wave superconductors by performing a mean-field analysis in the Majorana basis of the edge states. The leading instabilities are Majorana mass terms, which correspond to coherent superpositions of particle-particle and particle-hole channels in the fermionic language. We find that attractive interactions induce three different mass terms. One is a coherent superposition of imaginary s-wave pairing and current order, and another combines a charge-density-wave and finite-momentum singlet pairing. Repulsive interactions, on the other hand, lead to ferromagnetism together with spin-triplet pairing at the edge. Our quantum Monte Carlo simulations confirm these findings and demonstrate that these instabilities occur even in the presence of strong quantum fluctuations. We discuss the implications of our results for experiments on cuprate high-temperature superconductors.
Charge conserving spin singlet and spin triplet superconductors in one dimension are described by the $U(1)$ symmetric Thirring Hamiltonian. We solve the model with open boundary conditions on the a finite line segment by means of the Bethe Ansatz. We show that the ground state displays a fourfold degeneracy when the bulk is in the spin triplet superconducting phase. This degeneracy corresponds to the existence of zero energy boundary bound states localized at the edges which may be interpreted, in the light of the previous semi-classical analysis due to Kesselman and Berg cite{Keselman2015}, as resulting from the existence of fractional spin $pm 1/4$ localized at the two edges of the system.
A junction between two boundaries of a topological superconductor (TSC), mediated by localized edge modes of Majorana fermions, is investigated. The tunneling of fermions across the junction depends on the magnetic flux. It breaks the time-reversal symmetry at the boundary of the sample. The persistent current is determined by the emergence of Majorana edge modes. The structure of the edge modes depends on the magnitude of the tunneling amplitude across the junction. It is shown that there are two different regimes, which correspond to strong and weak tunneling of Majorana fermions, distinctive in the persistent current behavior. In a strong tunneling regime, the fermion parity of edge modes is not conserved and the persistent current is a $2pi$-periodic function of the magnetic flux. When the tunneling is weak the chiral Majorana states, which are propagating along the edges have the same fermion parity. They form a $4pi$-phase periodic persistent current along the boundaries. The regions in the space of parameters, which correspond to the emergence of $2pi$- and of $4pi$-harmonics, are numerically determined. The peculiarities in the persistent current behavior are studied.
We study the behavior of spinless fermions in superconducting state, in which the phases of the superconducting order parameter depend on the direction of the link. We find that the energy of the superconductor depends on the phase differences of the superconducting order parameter. The solutions for the phases corresponding to the energy minimuma, lead to a topological superconducting state with the nontrivial Chern numbers. We focus our quantitative analysis on the properties of topological states of superconductors with different crystalline symmetry and show that the phase transition in the topological superconducting state is result of spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the superconducting state. The peculiarities in the chiral gapless edge modes behavior are studied, the Chern numbers are calculated.
Topological insulators and topological superconductors display various topological phases that are characterized by different Chern numbers or by gapless edge states. In this work we show that various quantum information methods such as the von Neumann entropy, entanglement spectrum, fidelity, and fidelity spectrum may be used to detect and distinguish topological phases and their transitions. As an example we consider a two-dimensional $p$-wave superconductor, with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and a Zeeman term. The nature of the phases and their changes are clarified by the eigenvectors of the $k$-space reduced density matrix. We show that in the topologically nontrivial phases the highest weight eigenvector is fully aligned with the triplet pairing state. A signature of the various phase transitions between two points on the parameter space is encoded in the $k$-space fidelity operator.
Recent discoveries, as well as open questions, in experimentally realized correlated electron materials are reviewed. In particular, high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates and in the recently discovered iron pnictides, possible chiral p-wave superconductivity in strontium ruthenate, the search for quantum spin liquid behavior in real materials, and new experimental discoveries in topological insulators are discussed.