Exact relations between M2-brane theories with and without Orientifolds

Abstract in English

We study partition functions of low-energy effective theories of M2-branes, whose type IIB brane constructions include orientifolds. We mainly focus on circular quiver superconformal Chern-Simons theory on $S^3$, whose gauge group is $O(2N+1)times USp(2N)times cdots times O(2N+1)times USp(2N)$. This theory is the natural generalization of the $mathcal{N}=5$ ABJM theory with the gauge group $O(2N+1)_{2k} times USp(2N)_{-k}$. We find that the partition function of this type of theory has a simple relation to the one of the M2-brane theory without the orientifolds, whose gauge group is $U(N)times cdots times U(N)$. By using this relation, we determine an exact form of the grand partition function of the $O(2N+1)_{2} times USp(2N)_{-1}$ ABJM theory, where its supersymmetry is expected to be enhanced to $mathcal{N}=6$. As another interesting application, we discuss that our result gives a natural physical interpretation of a relation between the grand partition functions of the $U(N+1)_4 times U(N)_{-4}$ ABJ theory and $U(N)_2 times U(N)_{-2}$ ABJM theory, recently conjectured by Grassi-Hatsuda-Mari~no. We also argue that partition functions of $hat{A}_3$ quiver theories have representations in terms of an ideal Fermi gas systems associated with $hat{D}$-type quiver theories and this leads an interesting relation between certain $U(N)$ and $USp(2N)$ supersymmetric gauge theories.
