In Bastien et al. (2013) we found that high quality light curves, such as those obtained by Kepler, may be used to measure stellar surface gravity via granulation-driven light curve flicker. Here, we update and extend the relation originally presented in Bastien et al. (2013) after calibrating flicker against a more robust set of asteroseismically derived surface gravities. We describe in detail how we extract the flicker signal from the light curves, including how we treat phenomena, such as exoplanet transits and shot noise, that adversely affect the measurement of flicker. We examine the limitations of the technique, and, as a result, we now provide an updated treatment of the flicker-based logg error. We briefly highlight further applications of the technique, such as astrodensity profiling or its use in other types of stars with convective outer layers. We discuss potential uses in current and upcoming space-based photometric missions. Finally, we supply flicker-based logg values, and their uncertainties, for 27 628 Kepler stars not identified as transiting-planet hosts, with 4500<teff<7150 K, 2.5<logg<4.6, Kepler magnitude <13.5, and overall photometric amplitudes <10 parts per thousand.